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Hormone Pellet Therapy

                                                      Hormone Pellet Therapy

There are many options available to choose from when comparing bio-identical hormone replacement therapies (BHRT). You may have heard of friends or family members receiving hormone pellets, and may be curious as to why this is a preferred route of administration for many people.

There are many ways to receive hormone therapy. Some of these methods are using pills, applying creams, or receiving injections. So with so many forms available, why do I believe pellet therapy is superior?Because of the consistency of therapy! Many people experience fluctuations in their levels with pills, creams, or even injections, but pellets can give you a consistent level of hormones for 3-6 months. Pellets have been shown to help with menopausal symptoms, maintenance of bone density, improvement in sex drive, losing weight, and even helping with sleep.

You may be wondering how to find out if you are a candidate for this procedure. We can easily discover if you would benefit from pellet therapy with a comprehensive blood panel. After your results are available, we will meet and discuss the potential benefit to you from starting hormone therapy.

If you are a candidate for pellets, after informed consent, you will be taken into an exam room where the insertion site is cleaned and numbed. The most common insertion site is in the upper buttock.Once numb, a small incision is made for the pellets to be inserted. After they are placed, the insertion site is covered with a small bandage. The entire process usually takes less than 10 minutes.

For approximately 7 days after your procedure, is it usually best to avoid any strenuous exercise. Walking is fine! Swimming, hot tubs, and baths should also be avoided for a week.

After your pellets are inserted, over time, they are completed dissolved and absorbed by your body as they are needed. They do not leave anything behind once they are utilized by the body.